Our cow Bella has been in the shed for a few weeks waiting her calf's arrival. She was due on February 19. After a huge ice storm last night, wicked winds and several inches of snow, the calf decided to come. Must be the atomsphere change!! We weren't even there for the delivery. We checked the cow cam after lunch and happened to notice that there was a calf standing next to her. Those are the kind of deliveries that cause a lot of excitement around here. We all bundled up and headed out to say hello to our leap year baby. Jim went ahead to check on the baby and see what momma's temperment was. Jim came out of our shed with TWO THUMBS up, which around here means "It's a HEIFER!!" The calving year is starting off on a good note....

The calf's name is going to be LAH Disco Dottie. Disco is from her father Disco Kid and Dottie is for the dot on the side of her face and for my grandma Dorothy who is also called "Dottie."